Tech V.S Person

Communicating through technology is amazing and wonderful thing but most of the time I would prefer and so many people do to do communicating in person. While some differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology are noticeable the similarities are striking.
Here are some differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person .It is more thought full in person you can see people in both ways well you need to be careful on tecnology. You can have a identity theif on the other line and in person because you could be hanging out with a kidnapper. One day my friends mom got a call and she figured out she got her identity stolen.You can see your family in both ways one day on christmas I saw my cousin on video chat then I saw my dad in person on thanks giving hop you enjoyed the differences .
Now for the similarities some people enjoy both ways of communication me and my friend like to communicate in both ways
you can make friend in both ways. don’t know what you like just read this
I enjoy tecnology more mainly because that is what I am used to thats me you might like communicating in person beter than communicating through tecnology.

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